Decoding The Power of Video Content With Subtitles

  • AUTHOR Jennie
  • PUBLISHED ON: 11월 13, 2023

Video content has become essential to our daily lives. According to Cisco, it accounts for 82% of internet traffic. What's surprising is that 80% of television viewers who use closed captions are not deaf or hard of hearing. The importance of subtitles for video content has increased significantly in recent times. In this blog, we will discuss the demand for video content with subtitles, how it has evolved over the years, and its importance in our lives.

History Overview of Video Content with Subtitles

Here are some events that highlighted the significance of video content with subtitles over the years:

  • 1958  - In the United States, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Public Law 85-905, which created the Captioned Films for the Deaf program on September 2, 1958.
  • 1980s  - VHS tapes with subtitle options became more widely available, making it possible for people to enjoy movies and TV shows at home with subtitles.
  • 2006  - YouTube first introduced caption support marking the beginning of its journey as a trendsetter for online accessibility. 
  • 2012  - Netflix was sued by the US National Association of the Deaf for not providing closed captions in their streaming video content, emphasizing the significance of accessibility in video content.
  • 2016  - Facebook first rolled out auto-captioning for videos.
  • 2020  - Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many events and meetings are now being held online. This highlights the significance of video content with subtitles since it enables people to participate and engage regardless of location or language. Additionally, video consumption has increased significantly during this time because people watch video content for entertainment, education, and remote work. Consequently, subtitles have become even more crucial to guarantee accessibility and enhance comprehension for viewers.

The significance of video content with subtitles has grown steadily over the years. Subtitles once considered a luxury feature, have become a crucial necessity for video content. With the increasing popularity of video consumption, adding subtitles to your video content is vital to reach a wider audience and bring your message to all viewers. 

Subtitling Service 2023 _ MOBICO by Saltlux Innovation

The Increasing Demand for Video Content with Subtitles

The demand for subtitling services has significantly increased due to the rise of audiovisual content in recent years. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including the emergence of streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ that offer a vast collection of movies and TV shows from various parts of the world. These platforms are not limited by geographic boundaries, meaning they can cater to a global audience. Therefore, it needs to offer subtitles in different languages ​​to ensure accessibility and reach a wider audience.


In addition to streaming platforms, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have contributed to the growth of audiovisual content. With the rise of video content on these platforms, subtitles have become increasingly crucial for viewers to engage with the content, particularly in noisy or crowded settings. Additionally, subtitles also aid viewers who struggle to understand the spoken language, which is crucial for education and training videos.


The increase in subtitling services is on the rise due to the growth of corporate video content, such as product videos, explainer videos, and e-learning modules. As more companies expand globally and operate in different linguistic markets, subtitles have become crucial in bridging the language barrier and making the content accessible to all employees and customers.


More and more people prefer watching video content with subtitles. A study by Verizon Media reveals that:

  • 69% view video with sound off in public places, and 25% watch with sound off in private places
  • 80% of consumers are more likely to watch an entire video when captions are available
  • 50% of consumers say captions are important because they watch video with sound off  

This report indicates that subtitles are essential not only for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing but also for individuals who choose to watch video content without sound.


Importance Of Video Content With Subtitles In Our Live

Taking Care Of Those Who Have Hearing Impairments

The  World Health Organization  reports that over 466 million people, including  432 million adults and 34 million children , have disabling hearing loss, which is more than 5% of the world's population. This means that a significant portion of the population may not comprehend a video without captions or subtitles. By adding them, more people can access the video, making it inclusive and accessible, which is crucial in and of itself.


Engaging Your Audience In Their Language

With approximately 7,000 languages ​​​​spoken worldwide, adding translated subtitles to your video can broaden your reach to a larger audience. Subtitles enable you to present your content in the language of your intended audience, making it easier to expand into new markets.


Improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Did you know that adding subtitles to your videos can improve your website's search engine ranking? This is because Google can index subtitles but not automatically generated closed captions. By including subtitles, more people can find and engage with your brand through your videos.


Conveying The Content Of The Video Clearly

Watching a movie with subtitles can provide clarity and better understanding of technical terms, full names, and brand names. Subtitles also make it easier to read and comprehend the original dialogue, especially for those who struggle with accents used in the movie. Overall, subtitles create a smoother viewing experience for the audience.


In conclusion, the demand for subtitling services has become increasingly important in our lives, providing accessibility, engagement, improving comprehension, and search engine optimization benefits. At Mobico by Saltlux Innovation, we understand the importance of accurate and engaging subtitles. Therefore, we offer expert subtitling services for all types of video content. Contact us today to learn more about our subtitling services!